
Project 1º ESO The daily Life of an English Family

Answer the following questions by reading bout the daily life in the UK of an English family.


1. What is a typical day like for a child in the Uk?
2. What is life like for a teenager?
3. What do children do during their free time?
4. Where do British people go on holiday?
5. What sports do they play in England?
6. What games do children play at school in the playground?
7.  What is a pub?
8. What are normal work hours in the UK?
9. What is it like inside a typical English house?
10. What time do shops open in England?
11. How much do things cost in England?
12. What clothes do children wear?
13. How should I behave whilst I am in England?
14. What is the British currency? What is equivalent to in Euros?

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